WP News


Genesis 2.1 is Available Now, what’s New?

If you are a WordPress user, I'm sure you are aware of Genesis Framework from StudioPress. Genesis is one of the most popular and widely used WordPress theme frameworks. So, if you are using Genesis for your W...

Envato Marketplace Support Gets a Makeover

If you are a regular user of Envato Marketplaces, you would like to know that the support page of Envato gets a makeover. It is even easier now to use the support page and get your issue resolved.As far as ...

Grow Your Traffic To 40,000/Month

Learn the 6 plugins we used to grow our own traffic from 0 to 40,000 a month within a year.

We never share your E Mail ID with anyone

Grow Your Traffic To 40,000/Month

Learn the 6 plugins we used to grow our own traffic from 0 to 40,000 a month within a year.

We never share your E Mail ID with anyone