If you are a regular user of Envato Marketplaces, you would like to know that the support page of Envato gets a makeover. It is even easier now to use the support page and get your issue resolved.

As far as WordPress users are concerned Envato is the home for biggest premium WordPress themes ”ThemeForest” and premium plugins ”Codecanyon”, so if you have any query about your transaction you will see a new face now.

There won’t be any change to the actual process that you go through in order to log a Marketplace support request with us, however, you will start to see some aesthetic changes to the way some of our communication looks.

Envato Marketplace Support

The team confirms that the Knowledgebase will remain unchanged at the moment which you can access the same way you used to, however the Knowledgebase also will be moved to the new system eventually.

The old support requests in the current system will be taken care in the old system itself, you will not see any difference there, unless you submit a new request in connection those.

When you go to the new Envato Marketplaces support page, you will get three options to choose from Buying and general support, Selling on the Marketplaces and report something.

Once you select your option, say the first option which is Buying and general support the support form will option which will look like the one below.

Envato Support Form

Before you ask for support don’t forget to check out the knowledgebase as you will find solution for most of the common issues you may have come across in the Envato marketplaces.

If you are a WordPress user, don’t forget to check out the amazing WordPress themes in the ThemeForest Marketplace and some really useful premium plugins in the codecanyon marketplace.

Article Via Envato

Envato Marketplace Support Gets a Makeover
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