Categories are very important part of your WordPress site because they make it real easy for the visitors to access your site effectively and find the content of their interest with just a click.

The default WordPress installation comes with a built in WordPress category widget plugin which you can place on your sidebar to make it quick and easy for the visitors to click through all the important categories.

However, if you want to make the categories even more effective and customized there are a few amazing WordPress category widget plugins which you can use on your site.

[symple_box style=”boxinfo”]List of WordPress Category Widget Plugins[/symple_box]

Category Widget

This category widget plugin provides you easy way to display the number of post in that particular category by selecting from admin dashboard widget.

You can select the specific category, so that that category post title will be displayed in webpage. The number of post title can be display in the webpage, ranges from 1 to 10 or all post

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Category Widget

Sub Categories Widget

Sometimes you add content only to the sub-categories of one or two main categories that don’t have any content themselves. With the widget you can add a list of sub-categories even if the parent doesn’t have posts.

You can display sub-categories without posts and you can even add the number of posts in each sub-category.

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Sub Categories Widget

Advanced Categories Widget

A superb category widget for WordPress, this plugin makes your output really premium with images on every category. It sSupport multi-instances widget, category image, easy to customize and full features.

When a category link is clicked, all the posts in that category will display on a category page using the appropriate category template dictated by the template hierarchy rules.

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Advanced Categories Widget

jQuery Categories List Widget

This plugin provides a widget and a filter to display a collapsible list of categories in your sidebar or posts by using jQuery. The plugin also provides you an option to select categories to exclude, so it shows only the categories you want.

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JQuery Categories list widget

Category Posts Widget

If you want to display the most recent post from a certain category this Category Posts Widget plugin can help you to achieve that. It gives you option to change ordering of posts as well as show post thumbnail & set dimension by width & height.

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Post Category Widget

Posts By Category Widget

This plugin allows you to display posts in the category, order, and quantity of your choosing. After installation, drag-and-drop the new “Category Widget” to a widget area, choose the categories you wish to display, and tell it the order and quantity in which you wish to display them.

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Posts By Category Widget

Enhance The Default WordPress Category Widget
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