The importance of high-performance website has always grown more in 2018. Google values websites that load fast and offer optimal user experience to the visitors. If you are using WordPress, then you can take advantage of the caching plugins. The plugins let you improve different sections of the website, which in turn will make your site load faster.

In today’s article, we will be focusing on the five best WordPress caching plugins of your website in 2018. So, without any delay, let’s get started.

5 Best WordPress Caching plugins for your website 2018

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is a great cache plugin. It also has more than 1 million installs which also makes it accessible. The plugin is available for free, and you can install it directly from your website dashboard.

The W3 Total cache plugin not only improves the website performance but also enhances the SEO of the website. It comes with tons of features including CDN integration. By using the plugin, you can see SEO improvements, improved conversion rate, improved browser caching, improved bandwidth saving and so on. You also get a proper mobile, AMP and SSL support. It comes with features such as database caching, minification, Javascript grouping and so on. You can also get the paid version which offers better options.

WP Rocket

If you are looking for a premium caching plugin, then check out WP Rocket as it offers tons of features with a decent price tag. It is a premium plugin, and you can get it for just $39, one-time payment.

WP Rocket requires minimal configuration to get started. You can set it up as quickly as possible. It offers features such as page caching, cache preloading, static file compression, images on request, and so on. It is also developer friendly which makes it perfect for custom WordPress projects. You also don’t need to know any coding to use the plugin.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache is one of the top WordPress cache plugins out there. It helps you generate static HTML files which load faster than a static website. You can also customize the plugin according to your taste. It offers many settings including simple caching, cache rebuilt, CDN support, compress pages, and extra homepage checks.

It also comes with garbage collector which cleans up any files that are not required. You can also enable preload mode for better performance. The plugin comes with proper documentation and support.

WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache is also a useful WordPress caching plugin that you can use on your website. It is easy to use, and you can set it up easily. It caches your website by generating static HTML and save time when the visitor requests the page. It stores copies of the site in the HTML format saving precious server time which in turn offers better website performance. If a user requests something new, it rebuilds the cache accordingly.

You can customize the website with the help of mod_rewrite. Caches can be cleared and rebuilt anytime you want. It also comes with CDN support.

Comet Cache

Comet Cache lets you maintain your website performance with the help of advanced cache techniques. It offers improved cache building technique. Also, it is easy to set up and well-documented. With it, you can do a lot of things including configuring every page type. You can also enable client-side caching and ensure that GZIP is enabled for better content delivery.

It is also WP-CLI compatible. Furthermore, it can be customized for custom projects.

This leads us to the end of the five best WordPress caching plugins. So, what do you think about the cache plugins listed here? Comment below and let us know.

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